Canada’s current employment numbers disclose that labour shortages are becoming increasingly severe in Canada. The country offers foreign citizens exceptional chances to move there and achieve their permanent status.

As per the global employment agency, in Q3 of 2021, Canada reached an all-time peak of 912,600 vacancies. This is because employers and workers persisted in adapting to relieving public health limitations and rapidly-changing economic situations.

The record-high vacancies met with an increase in general employment and declining unemployment. It is similar to other nations recuperating from the COVID-19 pandemic’s job market effects.

The GTS (Global Talent Stream) of the TFWP (Temporary Foreign Worker Program), which processes Canadian work passes and visa applications in under two weeks, provided speedy staffing solutions for many firms facing labour scarcities.

Express Entry and Global Talent Stream

Established in 2017, the GTS was accepted as a permanent scheme after 24 months, upon showing to be immensely successful with most of Canada’s greatest technological companies.

The Express Entry system is also a fantastic alternative for immigrant employees to come to Canada. It handles Canada’s immigration software intake and enables candidates who fulfill eligibility requirements to give an online identity recognized as an EOI (Expression of Interest). Participants will do so under Canada’s government immigration schemes or a participating regional immigration system to the Express Entry Pool.

Candidates’ resumes are then evaluated against one another using the Comprehensive Ranking System, which is a points-based method. Invitations to apply for permanent residency are given to the top-ranked candidates. Those individuals are applicable for Invitations to apply (ITAs). Within 60 days of getting an ITA, recipients must provide an application form and settle the service charges.

These permanent residency forms are expected to be processed in six months by the national govt.

Job Vacancies Hit All-Time High

Many Canadian firms are in desperate need of employees. In Q3 2021, available jobs in Canada were approximately 62.1% more than the same period two years before, prior to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Throughout that timeframe, the job vacancy level was 5.4%, at a historical high, and 2.1% points more than in Q3, 2019.

Thus, the demand for a federal skilled worker in Canada is felt throughout the nation. Moreover, the need is in practically every area of the economy.

The Prairie state of Saskatchewan witnessed the largest percentage increase in job vacancies from Q3 2019 to Q3 2021, with a rise of 82.7%.

Quebec, a francophone state, placed second with only a 73.1% increase in employment vacancies throughout the time, preceded by Ontario with 64.5%. 18 of the 20 industry sectors experienced an increase in job openings.

The availability of jobs grew the most in five industries.

During that time, the number of employment vacancies in hotels, catering and restaurants grew more than double to 86,400, with an increase of 112.8%. Job openings in medical and social support increased by 78.8%, or 52,100 posts. Construction job opportunities climbed by 83.7%, or 34,300 posts, while commerce job vacancies grew by 45.2 % or 32,400 roles. Simultaneously, manufacturing job vacancies rose by 62.4% or 31,200 job titles.

The Hospitality Sector is in Demand

Nurses and receptionists are in scarcity in Canadian medical centres.

The lack of workers in the food as well as hospitality industry in Q3, 2021 was owing to eateries, pubs, and hotels reopening. It is also due to eateries, pubs, and hotels reopening or expanding operations after COVID-19 global health limitations, notably lockdowns, throughout the epidemic.

Many construction businesses are having difficulty finding a federal skilled worker. Those with the necessary abilities and expertise are just not where the corporations need them to be.

Wages For More Than Half Of Open Jobs Rise Faster Than Consumer Price Index

Because of the scarcities, Canadian firms have little choice but to raise their pay rates. The higher earnings give workers greater purchasing power than they’d have had two years earlier in over half of the available posts in the Q3, 2022.

However, the labour condition is not a one-way path where employers simply give more. Recruiters also want their employees to have good job skills.

As the desire for talents fluctuates, various variables, such as the amount to which roles need specialist knowledge, affect businesses’ capacity to locate individuals to fill vacancies.

Of the 495 jobs in the NOC (National Occupation Classification) for which job profiles exist, 226 need one specialized technical ability for work performance.

For instance, software developers and interactive multimedia programmers need coding and operational analysis abilities. Whereas electricians need diagnosing, restoring, and quality control analysis talents.

In Q3 2021, job openings in those 226 professions together increased by 56.7%, to 242,200, in contrast to Q3, 2020. In 2020, there was a 25.1% of the total two-year rise in job openings.

On the other hand, less-skilled workers have plenty of opportunities in Canada.

As opposed to jobs requiring specialized technical knowledge, 40 NOC professions need no technical expertise and only five non-technical qualifications. In Q3 2021, openings in professions, like food counter personnel, kitchen assistants plus related support, construction trades assistants and manual workers, and light-duty cleaning agents, increased by 73.7% to 234,600. Moreover, this accounted for 28.5% of the overall two-year ramp-up.

The Ontario provincial government has announced to increase the pay to minimum wages of 15 dollars per hour from Jan. 1st, 2022.

Adapting to the Labour Shortage Situation

Flexibility is the key. In Canada, unemployment has returned to its pre-pandemic low levels. That means that many workers have the option of choosing which location they work. The salary and flexibility offered by plans allow working from home. In addition, other plans like a four-day work week are likely to influence their choice. This will require a radical shift in the way that companies conduct business.

The majority of companies are forced to change or be left with a shortage of employees. However, should they make the necessary changes, they can retain and attract talented and dedicated employees.

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